Deaf Dog ResourcesThe world was conquered through the understanding of dogs; the world exists through the understanding of dogs. Recommended ReadingThis is a list of recommended reading for people with deaf dogs. Some are books specifically about deaf dogs, some are on dog training and behavior (not specific to deaf dogs, but easily adapted). More WebsitesA collection of websites with additional deaf dog information, including E-mail lists, websites on canine deafness, ASL sites, and links to deaf dog picnic pages. Deaf Dogs' Personal Pages and webrings have their own page. Activities for Deaf DogsSo you have your deaf dog trained, and you want to do something more? Maybe have a bit of a competitive spirit? Yes, you and your deaf dog can get out there are show everyone just how wonderful (and well behaved) a deaf dog can be. Vibrating Collar MakersList of manufacturers, with notes on the various models of vibrating collars available. Other LinksMore websites on subjects that are a bit "off-topic" for us, but that we get frequent questions on, including deaf & blind dogs, blind dogs, deaf cats, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders in dogs.
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